Virgin Gingelly

Virgin Gingelly
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I

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V Sanjay Kumar

I hope to be remembered in this street, amongst the lame, as the husband of the one with amorous thoughts and sexy legs. There used to be a writer here in this empty house, they will say. He had a porous mind. A stubborn writer struggles with his stories in a city that has been encroached. The last bastion is an urban agraharam near Mylapore where a bunch of misfits perform a strange kutcheri. Among these are existential street dogs, short-changed lovers, disgruntled housewives, runaways with bombs, veshti-wearing elders, and nihilist teenagers coming to terms with their sexuality. With a singular desire to escape, these characters visit each other s stories creating a layered narrative of loss and ennui. In language both gritty and humourous, and often surprisingly poetic, V Sanjay Kumar s narrative, set in modern middle-class, housing-cooperative Chennai, tackles the simple conundrum of being and belonging.
I hope to be remembered in this street, amongst the lame, as the husband of the one with amorous thoughts and sexy legs. There used to be a writer here in this empty house, they will say. He had a porous mind. A stubborn writer struggles with his stories in a city that has been encroached. The last bastion is an urban agraharam near Mylapore where a bunch of misfits perform a strange kutcheri. Among these are existential street dogs, short-changed lovers, disgruntled housewives, runaways with bombs, veshti-wearing elders, and nihilist teenagers coming to terms with their sexuality. With a singular desire to escape, these characters visit each other s stories creating a layered narrative of loss and ennui. In language both gritty and humourous, and often surprisingly poetic, V Sanjay Kumar s narrative, set in modern middle-class, housing-cooperative Chennai, tackles the simple conundrum of being and belonging.

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