Asymmetric Synthesis II

Asymmetric Synthesis II
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Mathias Christmann
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After the overwhelming success of Asymmetric Synthesis - The Essentials, displaying a broad range of organic asymmetric syntheses, this is the second edition with latest subjects and authors. While the aim of the first edition was mainly to honor the achievements of the pioneers in asymmetric syntheses, the aim of this new edition was bringing the current developments, especially from younger colleagues, to the attention of students. The format of the book remained unchanged, i.e. short conceptual overviews by young leaders in their field including a short biography of the authors. The growing multidisciplinary research within chemistry is reflected in the selection of topics including metal catalysis, organocatalysis, physical organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and its applications in total synthesis, materials research and industry. The prospective reader of this book is a graduate or undergraduate student of advanced organic chemistry as well as the industrial chemist who wants to get a brief update on the current developments in the field.
Eine Gruppe international renommierter Autoren vermittelt die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich der asymmetrischen Synthese. Studenten höherer Semester und Forscher finden in diesem Lehrbuch eine einzigartige Themensammlung, u. a. auch zu Anwendungen in der Industrie.
CATALYTIC ENANTIOSELECTIVE ALKYLATION OF PROCHIRAL KETONE ENOLATESBackgroundStrategy and ResultsAsymmetric Allylic Alkylation in Total SynthesisConclusionsPOINT-TO-PLANAR CHIRALITY TRANSFER IN TOTAL SYNTHESIS: SCALABLE AND PROGRAMMABLE SYNTHESIS OF HAOUAMINE A AND ITS ATROPISOMERIntroductionSynthetic Strategy Featuring Point-to-Planar Chirality TransferProgrammable Synthesis of Haouamine A and Its AtropisomerTETHERED AMINOHYDROXYLATIONIntroduction and BackgroundTethered AminohydroxylationAmide-Based ReoxidantsEvidence for the Mechanism of the TA ReactionApplications in Organic SynthesisConclusion and Future WorkORGANOCATALYZED TRANSFORMATIONS OF A, B-UNSATURATED CARBONYL COMPOUNDS THROUGH IMINIUM ION INTERMEDIATESTHE RENAISSANCE OF SILICON-STEREOGENIC SILANES: A PERSONAL ACCOUNTBackgroundResultsConclusionASYMMETRIC DIENAMINE ACTIVATIONIntroductionHistoric BackgroundResultsConclusionASYMMETRIC BRØNSTED ACID CATALYSISIntroduction and BackgroundStrategyResultsSummaryQUATERNARY STEREOGENIC CENTERS BY ENANTIOSELECTIVE B-CARBON ELIMINATIONS FROM TERT-CYCLOBUTANOLSBackgroundObjective: Enantioselective Formation of Quaternary Stereogenic Centers in Combination with Reactive Alkyl-RhodiumIntermediatesSelective Generation of the Alkyl-Rhodium Species and Its Downstream ReactivitiesTOTAL SYNTHESIS OF OSELTAMIVIR AND ABT-341 USING ONE-POT TECHNOLOGYIntroductionResultsConclusionsENANTIOSELECTIVE ANNULATIONS WITH CHIRAL N-MESITYL N-HETEROCYCLIC CARBENESIntroductionCatalytic Generation of Chiral Enolate EquivalentsCatalytic Generation of Homoenolate EquivalentsEnantioselective Cascade Reactions Catalyzed by Chiral N-Heterocyclic CarbenesCatalytic Annulations via a, ß-Unsaturated Acyl AzoliumsConclusionsASYMMETRIC COUNTERANION-DIRECTED CATALYSIS (ACDC)ConceptApplication of ACDC to OrganocatalysisApplication of ACDC to Transition Metal CatalysisApplication of ACDC to Lewis Acid CatalysisENANTIOSELECTIVE ORGANO-SOMO CATALYSIS: A NOVEL ACTIVATION MODE FOR ASYMMETRIC SYNTHESISBackgroundObjectiveResultsENANTIOSELECTIVE PASSERINI REACTIONIntroductionBackgroundResultsConclusion and PerspectiveRAPID ENANTIOMERIC EXCESS DETERMINATIONASYMMETRIC CATALYSIS OF REVERSIBLE REACTIONSThermochemistry of Asymmetric Catalyses Close to the EquilibriumKinetic Modeling of a Reversible Asymmetric Catalytic ReactionCase Study: a Reversible Asymmetric Organocatalytic ReactionConclusionsEXPLOITING FLUORINE CONFORMATIONAL EFFECTS IN ORGANOCATALYST DESIGN: THE FLUORINE?IMINIUM ION GAUCHE EFFECTDUTCH RESOLUTIONCONSTRUCTION OF ANTI-ME-OH VICINAL RELATIONSHIPS IN POLYKETIDESIntroductionMarshall - Tamaru ReactionConclusionsPHOTOSWITCHABLE GENERAL BASE CATALYSTSIntroduction and BackgroundStrategy and ResultsOutlookASYMMETRIC HALONIUM ADDITION TO OLEFINSIntroductionIntramolecular Lactonizations, Etherifications, and AminationsPolyene CyclizationsIntermolecular Additions to AlkenesConclusionCATALYTIC ASYMMETRIC GOSTELI - CLAISEN REARRANGEMENT (CAGC)BIOMIMETIC TOTAL SYNTHESIS OF THE PENIFULVIN FAMILYIntroductionThe Penifulvin Family: Isolation and Biogenetic OriginTotal Syntheses of Penifulvins A, B, and CSummaryCATALYST-CONTROLLED 1,3-POLYOL SYNTHESESENANTIOSELECTIVE CARBONYL ALLYLATION AND CROTYLATION FROM THE ALCOHOL OXIDATION LEVEL VIA C?C BOND FORMING TRANSFER HYDROGENATIONIntroduction and BackgroundStrategyResultsSTEREOSELECTIVE SYNTHESIS WITH HYPERVALENT IODINE REAGENTSASYMMETRIC GOLD-CATALYZED REACTIONSIntroductionDiphosphine-Gold Complexes in Enantioselective CatalysisMonophosphine-Gold Complexes in Enantioselective CatalysisASYMMETRIC CATALYSIS IN THE TOTAL SYNTHESIS OF LIPIDS AND POLYKETIDESBackgroundTuberculostearic Acid: One Isolated Methyl GroupAnt Pheromones: Vicinal Methyl BranchesDeoxypropionates: 1,3-Methyl ArraysMembrane-Spanning Lipids:

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