Mammography - The Art and Science of Early Detection

Mammography - The Art and Science of Early Detection
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Laszlo Tabar
1992 g
304x216x34 mm

Tabar, Tot, Dean
Early detection is our most effective means for reducing the number of unnecessary deaths caused by breast cancer; however, the lack of skilled mammographic readings, especially in early stage breast cancer, makes this a less effective tool than it could be. In this book, one of the world's most renowned mammographers shares his decades of experience in the analysis and interpretation of mammographic images.

With Dr. Tabar's clear procedures and expert guidance, you will learn to discern the most subtle of pathologic changes to ensure that patients receive optimal and timely treatment. You will also improve your ability to recognize the full range of normal anatomic variability, avoiding unnecessary additional imaging and interventional procedures.

This book contains more than 1,600 high-definition images, many in full-color, to demonstrate anatomic structures, variations in normal tissue, and difficult-to-identify abnormalities. You will also appreciate clear photographs of pathologic specimens, including subgross 3-D, and large, thin-section histologic sections, correlated with mammographic images.

The result of more than two decades of intensive clinical experience, this is the ultimate mammographic atlas for developing expert interpretive skills. No radiologist or breast imager should be without this highly instructive professional reference.
Contents- Chapter 1. Introduction- Anatomy- Correlation with Histology- Nodular Densities- Linear Densities- Homogeneous, Structureless Densities- Radiolucent Areas- The Parenchymal Patterns- Chapter 2. Pattern I- Comparative Anatomy- Examples of Pathologic Lesions- Calcifications- Mammographically Occult Lesions in Pattern I- Chapter 3. Pattern II- Comparative Anatomy- Examples of Pathologic Lesions- Chapter 4. Pattern III- Comparative Anatomy- Examples of Pathologic Lesions- Chapter 5. Pattern IV- Comparative Anatomy- Examples of Pathologic Lesions- Chapter 6. Pattern V- Comparative Anatomy- Examples of Pathologic Lesions- Chapter 7. Finding breast cancer when it is still small- A new era in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer- The impact of early detection on breast cancer death- Factors influencing early detection- A systematic method for viewing mammograms- A didactic approach to the analysis of the findings- A didactic approach to viewing mammograms and practice in perception and workup of findings- Chapter 8. Large section histopathology of the breast- Chapter 9. Mammography positioning technique- MLO projection; CC view; Latero-medial horizontal-beam projection; Cleavage view

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