Treating Allergies with the F. X. Mayr Cure

Treating Allergies with the F. X. Mayr Cure
Mobilizing the Body's Self-Healing Powers
 Paperback (Perfect Binding)
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34,99 €* Paperback (Perfect Binding)

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Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Harald Stossier
274 g
216x160x8 mm

Dr. med. Harald Stossier ist erfolgreicher Mayr-Arzt und ärztlicher Leiter des Gesundheitszentrums VIVA, Österreichs modernstes Zentrum für Moderne Mayr Medizin.

Treat allergies naturally

Written by a leading practitioner of the groundbreaking F.X. Mayr cure, which equates allergic reactions with poor digestive health and accumulated toxins, this new book discusses how this innovative approach can be applied to allergy treatment.

This compact book is filled with numerous clinical examples and practical tips on improving treatment outcomes, and covers everything from the fundamental principles of allergy to the role of the digestive system. The full spectrum of the Mayr program is explored, including descriptions of water-tea fasting, milk-bread roll diets, patient training and education, practical tips for individual allergy symptoms such as migraine headaches and rheumatic complaints, and more!

Here is the modern approach to treating allergic medicine using groundbreaking FX Mayr guidelines. Anyone interested in treating asthma and allergies naturally - pediatricians, general practitioners, internists, allergists, pulmonologists, and alternative medicine practitioners - will want this landmark text in their library.

What's an Allergy?
Digestion and Allergies
Lymph System and Allergies
F.X. Mayr Diagnostics
Recognizing Allergies/Intolerance
Allergy Therapy Opportunities
Basic Principles of Modern Mayr Medicine
Practical Tips for Allergy Treatment
Conclusions for Everyday Life from the Ideas of Modern Mayr Medicine?

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