Weiss’s Herbal Medicine, Classic Edition

Weiss’s Herbal Medicine, Classic Edition

64,99 €*

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Rudolf Fr. Weiß
1040 g
246x180x24 mm
Complementary Medicine

Rudolf F. Weiss
Weiss's Herbal Medicine - Classic Edition is back! This book has established itself as an indispensable resource and is widely acknowledged as the key text in the field of medical herbalism.Reprint of the English Translation of the sixth edition of "Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie"
The introductory chapters examine the nature of herbalism and provide the necessary guidelines for prescribing. The bulk of the book presents the large and impressive body of plant drugs, arranged according to organ systems including: digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, nervous, reproductive, the skin, and the eyes. Separate chapters cover colds and influenza, rheumatic conditions, metabolic and endocrine disorders, the use of herbal medicine for cancer, the treatment of wounds, and the therapeutic benefits of herbal baths.
The relevant plants are discussed for each situation, with information on occurrence and botanical features, differentiation from related species, constituents, and medical benefits. The treatment sections offer a wealth of suggestions for prescribing herbs, explaining the proper dosage, applications, and precautions. When appropriate, proprietary formulations are included. Full references are provided throughout, with a comprehensive subject index of almost 2,000 entries.
By public demand! A reprint of the English translation of the 6th edition of Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie
1 What is Herbal Medicine? 2 Proof of the Efficacy of Plant Drugs 3 Guidelines for Prescribing Herbal Medicines 4 The Digestive System 5 The Cardiovascular System 6 The Respiratory System 7 Influenza and Colds: Non-Specific Enhancement of Resistance 8 The Urinary Tract 9 Rheumatic Conditions 10 Some Metabolic and Endocrinal Conditions 11 The Nervous System 12 Gynaecological Conditions and Diseases of the Breast 13 Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer 14 Skin Diseases 15 Eye Diseases 16 Wounds and Other Injuries 17 Herbal Baths Index

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