Color Atlas of Microneurosurgery of Acoustic Neurinomas

Color Atlas of Microneurosurgery of Acoustic Neurinomas
Endoscope-Assisted Techniques, Neuronavigational Techniques, Radiosurgery. Foreword by Robert F. Spetzler
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Wolfgang Th. Koos
2016 g
316x242x32 mm

Wolgang Koos, Christian Matula, Johannes Lang
In Wolfgang Koos' final work, a lifetime of experience in the surgical treatment of the acoustic neurinoma is presented in the style of the brilliantly successful Koos-Spetzler microneurosurgery series.

Diagnosis is a strong point of this atlas, as surgical strategies are planned according to the anatomic location and growth pattern of these tumors.

The preoperative considerations, operating room set-up, patient positioning, and neuronavigational equipment are described for microsurgery in the cerebellopontine angle region.

The operative techniques for removing acoustic neurinomas in correlation with size and extension of the tumor are then provided in step-by-step detail; intraoperative photographs are paired with explanatory colored line drawings of astonishing clarity.

Finally, the tumors of the cerebellopontine angle that may mimic acoustic neurinoma are described.

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