Teaching Manual of Color Duplex Sonography

Teaching Manual of Color Duplex Sonography
A workbook on color duplex ultrasound and echocardiography. Forew. by Arnost Fronek
 Paperback (Thread Stitching)
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I

74,99 €* Paperback (Thread Stitching)

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Paperback (Thread Stitching)
Matthias Hofer
484 g
302x213x7 mm

Institute for Diagnostic Radiology, Medical Faculty of Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany

The Third Edition of this up-to-date and user friendly workbook helps medical students, sonographers, residents, and radiologists gain a fundamental grasp of the application of color duplex ultrasound by reviewing normal findings, important pathologic conditions, scanning techniques, and the role and importance of color duplex ultrasound in detecting and assessing various disease states.

Topics include:

- Basic physical and technical principles- Innovative techniques and ultrasound contrast agents (e.g., power Doppler, SieScape imaging, clarify vascular enhancement, tissue Doppler, precision upsampling, arterial stiffness, eTracking)- Vascular surgery: peripheral arterial occlusive disease, venous insufficiency and thrombosis, AV fistulae, and aneurysms- Endocrinology: thyroid gland- Internal medicine: abdominal organs, lymph nodes, TIPSS- Nephrology: kidneys and renal allografts- Neurology: intra- and extracranial cerebral arteries- Cardiology: B- and M-mode imaging, cardiac anomalies, wall motion analysis- Urology: testicular torsion, tumors, erectile dysfunction- Obstetrics and gynecology: tumors, anomalies, fetal perfusion defects

Teaching Manual of Color Duplex Sonography is well known for its highly educational approach and user-friendly features which include:

- Over 500 excellent illustrations -- ideal for visually oriented learners- Diagrams that illustrate the correct way to handle the transducer and position the scan plane- Self-test question & answers- Tips, tricks, and common pitfalls- Checklists and tables of normal values on sturdy pocket-sized cards for hospital and office use
Basic physical and technical principles as well as innovative techniques and ultrasound contrast agents. Enables user to understand anatomy and pathology needed for boards. Quizes and check lists for self-evaluation.

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