Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine

Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine
Forew. by Jonathan Treasure
 Paperback (Perfect Binding)
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Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Karin Kraft
366 g
179x109x20 mm
Complementary Medicine

Prof. Dr. med. Karin Kraft ist Ärztin für Innere Medizin und seit 2002 Inhaberin des Stiftungslehrstuhls für Naturheilkunde an der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Rostock. Nach Medizinstudium und Promotion war sie am Institut für Klinische Biochemie, Universität Bonn, sowie am Institut für Pharmakologie, Universität Heidelberg. Ab dem Jahr 1983 arbeitete sie in der Medizinischen Poliklinik der Universität Bonn, wo sie als Oberärztin ab 1992 den Aufbau der Ambulanz für Naturheilverfahren durchführte. Sie habilitierte sich 1993 für Innere Medizin. Schwerpunkte in der Lehre sind der Querschnittsbereich 12 (Rehabilitation, Physikalische Medizin, Naturheilverfahren) nach der Approbationsordnung für Ärzte sowie die Betreuung des Wahlpflichtfachs Naturheilverfahren. Forschungsbereiche sind Phytotherapie, sonstige naturheilkundliche Methoden, insbesondere apparative Techniken und naturheilkundliche Rehabilitation. Sie ist Autorin zahlreicher Publikationen und Herausgeberin der Zeitschschrift für Phytotherapie. Als Referentin hält sie viele Seminare und Kurse in ganz Deutschland.

There is an herbal remedy for most ailments - and you will find the most important ones in this concise pocket guide. Co-authored by Karin Kraft, one of the members of the German Commission E, and Christopher Hobbs, a renowned North-American herbalist, this handy pocket guide gives you the decisive facts about important medicinal herbs, taking into consideration both major European monographs (Commission E and ESCOP) and up-to-date clinical trials. The book goes on to inform the reader on the usage of herbal remedies for a number of common indications.

The book gives first-hand, easy to access information on the administration of herbal remedies for the medical practitioner and herbal therapist alike. Profit from the wealth of German tradition, extended by North American experience in the usage of herbal medicines.

Profit from a wealth of German tradition, extended by North-American experience, in the usage of herbal medicine.There is a herbal remedy for most ailments - and you will find the most important ones in this concise pocket guide. Co-authored by Karin Kraft, one of the members of the German Commission E and supervising editor of the ESCOP, and Christopher Hobbs, one of the most highly regarded herbal practitioners in the US, this handy pocket guide gives you the decisive facts about important medicinal herbs, taking into consideration both major European monographs (Commission E and ESCOP) and up-to-date clinical trials.This practice-oriented guide to herbal medicine includes: Plant summaries of more than 100 herbs
Herbal treatment of specific diseases (from heart failure to menopausal complaints)
Practical applications including phyto-balneotherapy, compresses, poultices, etc.
Plant glossaries English-Latin / Latin-English

Gray Section: Fundamentals of Phytotherapy
1 Fundamentals of Phytotherapy
2 General Guidelines for Use of Herbal Medicines
Green Section: Plant Summaries
3 Medicinal Plants from A to Z
Blue Section: Herbal Treatment of Diseases
4 Cardiovascular Diseases
5 Respiratory Diseases
6 Diseases and Dysfunctions of the Digestive Organs
7 Diseases of the Urogenital Tract
8 Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System
9 Debility, Fatigue, Adaptive and Functional Disorders
10 Immunodeficiency Diseases
11 Rheumatic Diseases
12 Gynecological Diseases
13 Pediatric Diseases
14 Dermatological Diseases
15 Open Wounds and Blunt Traumas
Red Section: Practical Applications
16 Herbal Hydrotherapy (Balneotherapy)
17 Standard Treatments for Cardiovascular Diseases
18 Standard Treatments for Respiratory Diseases
19 Standard Treatments for Gastrointestinal Disorders
20 Standard Treatments for Urinary Diseases
21 Standard Treatments for Nervous Disorders
22 Standard Treatments for Rheumatic and Systemic Diseases
23 Standard Treatments for Pediatric Diseases
24 Standard Treatments for Skin Diseases and Wounds
Appendix: Glossaries, Dosages, Addresses, References, and Index
25 Herbal Oils for Musculoskeletal Diseases
26 Plant Glossaries
27 Dosages
28 Addresses
29 References and Resources

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