Illustrated Handbook of Toxicology

Illustrated Handbook of Toxicology
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Franz-Xaver Reichl
882 g
242x172x22 mm

Franz-Xaver Reichl, geboren 1953 in Tegernsee, studierte von 1975 bis 1980 Mikrobiologie an der TU München, 1983 Promotion. Von 1983 bis 1985 studierte er Humanmedizin an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1994 Habilitation für das Fach Pharmakologie und Toxikologie der medizinischen Fakultät der LMU München zum Thema Amalgam. 2002 wurde er zum C3 Univ.-Professor berufen und wurde zugleich Leiter der Abteilung Dental-Toxikologie an der Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie der LMU München. Seit 2009 ist Franz-Xaver Reichl stellv. Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Verträglichkeit von Biomaterialien am Menschen (VERBIO) und seit 2010 Leiter des Beratungszentrums für die Verträglichkeit von Zahnmaterialien (BZVZ) an der LMU München. Er hat zahlreiche Publikationen zum Thema Toxikologie sowie zur Diagnostik und Therapie in der Umweltmedizin veröffentlicht.

Gain practical knowledge of the entire field of toxicology with this beautifully illustrated guide

The Illustrated Handbook of Toxicology is an impressive introduction to the complex field of toxicology. It also serves as a hands-on guide to various poison treatments and offers supplemental public health information.

Each two-page unit features concise text on the left complemented by full-color illustrations on the opposing page. The expert author distinguishes harmful toxic substances and catalogues their specific effects on the human body, plants, animals, and the surrounding environment. The handbook also addresses cutting-edge topics, including biological warfare, modern toxicological methods, and threshold values.


- Succinct, user-friendly organization allows readers to navigate the content with ease- Over 500 detailed images and diagrams arranged on 150 full-color plates illu strate exposures and toxicological effects on humans, plants, and animals- Well-researched, objective risk analysis on toxic exposures accompanies relevant images

Extensive glossary of key toxicological terms provides readers with the accurate information they need to avoid dangerous confusion This is the ideal text for all medical students who want to supplement the toxicological information covered in their coursework, as well as for first responders to chemical accidents and poisonings.

General Toxicology
History of Toxicology
Basic Principles of Toxicology
Test Methods
Modern Methods in Toxicology
Threshold Values
Clinical Toxicology
Environmental Medicine
Environmental Toxicology
Information Systems
Applied Toxicology
Narcotics and Addictive Drugs
Aliphatic, Alicyclic, and Cyclic Hydrocarbons
Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Halogenated Cyclic and Polycyclic Hydrocarbons
Dusts and Particle-Bound Emissions
Nitroso Compounds
Aromatic Amino and Nitro Compounds
Gaseous Compounds
Vehicle Exhaust Gases
Oxygen Species and Free Radicals
Tobacco Smoke (Active and Passive Smoking)
Mineral Fibers
Toxins and Toxic Substances in Food
Colors and Additives in Drugs and Food
Household Poisons
Chemical Warfare Agents
Biological Warfare Agents
Dental Restorative Materials
Animal Poisons (Zootoxins)
Plant Poisons (Phytotoxins)
Fungal Poisons (Mycotoxins)
Bacterial Toxins

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