The Monk: A Romance by Matthew Gregory Lewis (Book Analysis)

The Monk: A Romance by Matthew Gregory Lewis (Book Analysis)
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Detailed Summary, Analysis and Reading Guide
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Unlock the more straightforward side of The Monk: A Romance with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!

This engaging summary presents an analysis ofThe Monk: A Romance by Matthew Gregory Lewis, a Gothic tale which centres around Ambrosio, a monk who falls from grace and acts on his lustful desires. To satisfy his immoral urges, he consorts with the Devil and commits evil acts, making for a scandalous yet riveting read. Although highly controversial at the time of publication due to its sinful content, critics could not deny the genius of Lewis' writing and, despite it being labelled 'blasphemous and lewd', readers flocked to buy it. Although Lewis wrote other works, these other achievements are all clouded by the enormous success ofThe Monk: A Romance, which is considered a classic example of Gothic literature. 

Find out everything you need to know aboutThe Monk: A Romance in a fraction of the time!

This in-depth and informative reading guide brings you:
• A complete plot summary
• Character studies
• Key themes and symbols
• Questions for further reflection

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