Summary: Double-Digit Growth

Summary: Double-Digit Growth
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Review and Analysis of Treacy's Book
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The must-read summary of Michael Treacy's book: "e;Double-Digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It - No Matter What"e;.This complete summary of the ideas from Michael Treacy's book "e;Double-Digit Growth"e; shows how growth is like oxygen for businesses - it's essential. Growing companies thrive and attract all the best talent and resources whereas shrinking companies tend to wither and die. In his book, the author explains how smart managers will acknowledge this and ensure that their companies achieve steady double-digit growth year after year, regardless of the state of the economy, competition and customer demands. By reading this summary, you can learn and apply the five disciplines needed for sustainable growth in your own business.Added-value of this summary:* Save time* Understand key concepts* Expand your knowledgeTo learn more, read "e;Double-Digit Growth"e; and discover the key to achieving sustainable double-digit growth.
The must-read summary of Michael Treacy's book: "Double-Digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It - No Matter What".

This complete summary of the ideas from Michael Treacy's book "Double-Digit Growth" shows how growth is like oxygen for businesses - it's essential. Growing companies thrive and attract all the best talent and resources whereas shrinking companies tend to wither and die. In his book, the author explains how smart managers will acknowledge this and ensure that their companies achieve steady double-digit growth year after year, regardless of the state of the economy, competition and customer demands. By reading this summary, you can learn and apply the five disciplines needed for sustainable growth in your own business.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "Double-Digit Growth" and discover the key to achieving sustainable double-digit growth.

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