Arming Yourself Against Demonic Warfare

Arming Yourself Against Demonic Warfare
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Pearlie Simmons
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To win battles against your enemies, the devil, and the hordes of demonic renegades that attempt to ensnare us by deceptions, we must get to know them. Not personally do we get to know them but through the scriptures by being abreast about their ways, habits, and stratagems to combat their evil plots that they seek to entrap us by. Through Arming Yourself Against Demonic Warfare, you will be ready to face the enemies of our minds. You will learn much about what you have at your powerful spiritual arsenal disposal to keep them at bay. How can one defeat his enemy? It is simple; study him, his ways, flaws, habits, and the imperfections that he has. Arming Yourself Against Demonic Warfare is a book that will enlighten believers on how to stay rooted and grounded when combating their spiritual foes, how to engage in spiritual warfare correctly without falling prey to the enemies tactics, how to guard the mind from being taken hostage by spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places. Your eyes will become open, and you will come away informed so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes (2 Cor. 2:11).

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