Missing Mark

Missing Mark
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When an ancient vault is breached and its invaluable contents stolen, the special investigator is perplexed to find an antiquated document intentionally left inside the safe, an enigmatic message if he can decipher it. The Patriarchate of the Greek Orthodox Chruch in Istanbul thinks he may know the answer to the riddle, but its revelation will soon connect a number of diverse people in ways no one could foresee. Professor Joshua Walker, a man with a mystifying past, has gained world-wide attenion by winning access to private papal archives in Rome. He is preparing to take his students on an international quest to solve an age-old mystery while trying to keep his own identity a secret. Will he be able to keep his team alive? Who are the sons of God that marry daughters of men, spawning heroes of old, that are mentioned in the Bible? Are they still among us? Perilous adventure, specked with romance and humor will delightfully engage you in The Missing Mark.
When an ancient vault is breached and its invaluable contents stolen, the special investigator is perplexed to find an antiquated document intentionally left inside the safe, an enigmatic message if he can decipher it. The Patriarchate of the Greek Orthodox Chruch in Istanbul thinks he may know the answer to the riddle, but its revelation will soon connect a number of diverse people in ways no one could foresee. Professor Joshua Walker, a man with a mystifying past, has gained world-wide attenion by winning access to private papal archives in Rome. He is preparing to take his students on an international quest to solve an age-old mystery while trying to keep his own identity a secret. Will he be able to keep his team alive? Who are the sons of God that marry daughters of men, spawning heroes of old, that are mentioned in the Bible? Are they still among us? Perilous adventure, specked with romance and humor will delightfully engage you in The Missing Mark.

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