Behind the Beautiful Forevers

Behind the Beautiful Forevers
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Text Guide
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Anica Boulanger-Mashberg
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nsight Text Guides are written by practising English teachers, professional writers, reviewers and academics who are experts in their fields.Each guide includes the following:• Character map• Notes on the author’s life and work• Brief synopsis and character summaries• Context and background information• Explanations of the text’s genre, structure and language features• In-depth analysis of all chapters, scenes or stories• Detailed discussions of characters and themes• Different interpretations of the text• Guidelines on essay writing• Essay questions, analysis of a sample question and a complete sample essay.
Insight Text Guides - Behind the Beautiful Forevers is designed to help secondary English students understand and analyse the text. This comprehensive guide to Katherine Boo's non-fiction narrative contains detailed notes on cultural and social context, chapter analyses and in-depth discussions of genre, structure, language, characters and themes. Essay questions, a sample analysis of a question and a complete sample essay help students to write high-level analytical responses to the text.
Insight Text Guides - Behind the Beautiful Forevers is designed to help secondary English students understand and analyse the text. This comprehensive guide to Katherine Boo's non-fiction narrative contains detailed notes on cultural and social context, chapter analyses and in-depth discussions of genre, structure, language, characters and themes. Essay questions, a sample analysis of a question and a complete sample essay help students to write high-level analytical responses to the text.

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