The Man Who Loved Children

The Man Who Loved Children
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Text Guide
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20,73 €*

Dominic Lennard
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nsight Text Guides are written by practising English teachers, professional writers, reviewers and academics who are experts in their fields.Each guide includes the following:• Character map• Notes on the author’s life and work• Brief synopsis and character summaries• Context and background information• Explanations of the text’s genre, structure and language features• In-depth analysis of all chapters, scenes or stories• Detailed discussions of characters and themes• Different interpretations of the text• Guidelines on essay writing• Essay questions, analysis of a sample question and a complete sample essay.
The Insight Text Guide on Christina Stead's The Man Who Loved Children provides a detailed analysis of the novel as well as explanations of social, cultural and historical contexts, genre, structure, language, characters and themes. It includes an overview of critical responses to the text and develops contrasting interpretations. Analytical responses to the text are further supported through essay topics, an analysis of a topic and a complete sample essay.
The Insight Text Guide on Christina Stead's The Man Who Loved Children provides a detailed analysis of the novel as well as explanations of social, cultural and historical contexts, genre, structure, language, characters and themes. It includes an overview of critical responses to the text and develops contrasting interpretations. Analytical responses to the text are further supported through essay topics, an analysis of a topic and a complete sample essay.

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