Read Me First

Read Me First
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Before you write the next chapter in the story of you
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Lisa Stephenson
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Have you ever heard someone say, ‘If only life came with a set of instructions’? Success coach, Lisa Stephenson has – hundreds of times. Almost every client utters this at some point in some form.  Read Me First is the book she now gives them. It is also the book she wishes someone had given her when she found herself suddenly single with three young children and needing a new plan.

“Life is awesome, then it’s hard, then it’s awesome again,” says Lisa.  “When you get to a difficult stage – in your personal or professional life – then this book is essential reading before you set out to write the next chapter in the story of YOU.”

Read Me First will challenge your thinking then provide a structured way to reflect and take action. You’ll find quotes for inspiration and questions to ask yourself. Most importantly this is about doing the work on you – do that, and you will grow, you will change, and you will succeed. When you change, so does the world around you. That is Lisa’s promise.

This book alone will NOT change your life, but YOU can, especially after reading this first.

About the author 1
How to use this book 13
Read this first… 14

Part I: The story of you – now 17
1. Where are you now? 19
2. Do you understand your story? 27
3. How self-aware are you? 40

Part II: Thought-provokers 53
1. Success (whatever that means) 55
2. This was not my plan 59
3. I am my most important project 62
4. Doing what’s required 65
5. Unlearn 68
6. Motivation versus commitment 72
7. Honouring the future you 75
8. Saying yes 77
9. Resilience over happiness 80
10. Do not play small 83
11. Busy is not sexy 85
12. Pick your battles 89
13. An Italian affair 93
14. My job is what I do,
not who I am 97
15. Watch what people do, rather than what they say 101
16. Curiosity always 104
17. The rockstar version
of you 107
18. Truth tellers 111
19. Celebrate 114
20. No one is coming! 117

Part III: Strategies for a successful life 121

1. Change your mind 123
2. Pay attention 125
3. Own your regrets 127
4. Find your tribe 129
5. Live like a city 131
6. Intention 133
7. Don’t go along to get
along 135
8. People can suck! 137
9. Head and heart 139
10. Know your super
powers 141
11. The verandah test 143
12. Baby steps, big
jumps 145
13. Solution-focused
thinking 147
14. Play 149
15. The reality check! 152

Part IV: 10 life must-haves 155

1. Sandy feet 157
2. Adventure 158
3. Messy moments 159
4. Kindness 160
5. Stillness 161
6. A grateful heart 162
7. Patting dogs 165
8. Hugging 166
9. Stealing 168
10. Escape 170

Part V: Your story’s next chapter 173
1. How are you, really? 175
2. Building momentum 178
3. Writing the next chapter 181

Look after you 188
A few final words from me 190

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