Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here
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21,10 €* Paperback

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Brendan Walsh
448 g
216x140x19 mm

I was born in Ireland in 1957 and I hold an honors degree in Applied Psychology from University College Cork. I've worked at all sorts of jobs in my lifetime, but none remotely related to the mechanisms of the mind. I was a lifeguard in Ireland, a production line worker in Amsterdam, and a janitor in Denmark. I was a fisherman in the Holy Land and a drummer in a rock band called, Bill's Board Stiff. When I arrived in New York City, I got a job as a plasterer's mate on a building site on Long Island. The loose translation in layman's terms for a job like that... a human cement mixer. From there, I graduated to banging nails, and slowly, after weaving my way through ne'er-do-wells, mamelukes, biker bullies, the bloods and the crips, and all other indigenous reprobates specific to the construction industry, I arrived out the other end, not at all unlike a bowel movement... a sub-contractor. I worked in New York City for thirty-five years and enjoyed every minute of it. I'm retired now and living in Ireland doing what I love best; painting and writing. I go back to New York from time to time. It will always be a part of me. It's my second home.
Maxi Dillion finds himself back home, living with his eighty-year-old mother after living in New York City for twenty-five years. He thinks nobody knows the real purpose of his homecoming. He's wrong. Rumors with dorsal fins, circulate about the small town. Some say he's home to rob banks, others say, he's home to sell drugs. Cillian Mulcahy knows the real reason... he owes money to the mob.
While Maxi's out running errands for his mother, he bumps into Ella, a childhood acquaintance… who is all grown up and strikingly beautiful. Ella always had a crush on Maxi and the sparks between them begin to fly but neither wants to let on.
While over to Ella's house on a visit, Maxi discovers, what he believes to be a treasure map. He, Ella, and two of her two girlfriends embark on a hilarious adventure to find the hidden treasure. Their search takes them from a scrapyard run by two feuding brothers to a gay bar on an exclusive island, with many upsets in between. They hire actors from a drama class as decoys. They employ sex as a distraction. Everybody tells lies… because nobody wants to know the truth.
Will all their problems be solved if they locate the treasure?

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