Intuitive Vision and Dreams : The Mystical Power of Dreams

Intuitive Vision and Dreams : The Mystical Power of Dreams
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The Mystical Power of Dreams
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Aggil Loupescou
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You have dreams all your life some of which you never forgot because you believe or feel that they have been somehow important in your life. You are right. The same is the case with all people, across this planet and throughout all of its history, regardless of whether they confess to it or not, and that is the reason dreams have always been the focus of scientific research. It is not surprising that as we speak top scientists are studying the function of dreams and try to decode their messages. Researcher Aggil Loupescou did just that. This book will guide you into an exploration of the non-conscious part of your being and help you to understand who you really are. You will have a double gain: psychological balance and concordant development of the conscious and unconscious parts of yourselves, as well as positive energy to improve your life on a daily basis. It is worth reading it carefully.
You have dreams all your life some of which you never forgot because you believe or feel that they have been somehow important in your life. You are right. The same is the case with all people, across this planet and throughout all of its history, regardless of whether they confess to it or not, and that is the reason dreams have always been the focus of scientific research. It is not surprising that as we speak top scientists are studying the function of dreams and try to decode their messages. Researcher Aggil Loupescou did just that. This book will guide you into an exploration of the non-conscious part of your being and help you to understand who you really are. You will have a double gain: psychological balance and concordant development of the conscious and unconscious parts of yourselves, as well as positive energy to improve your life on a daily basis. It is worth reading it carefully.

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