About Love and Life

About Love and Life
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Evi Giakoumi
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I was unaware I could write poetry until I gave birth to my son Lucas. All those newly found sentiments throughout pregnancy and then after his birth: when I first held my child in my arms, looking at him, speaking to him, debating how I could best raise this little bundle of joy that I was blessed with. All of them were transferred onto paper, waking up in the middle of the night, feeling the need to write, to share my feelings towards my child, my parents, my husband. And then with my experience in education, anything was translated into feelings and then into words, giving substance to life itself! A multitude of emotions and a multitude of poems, created in the hope to keep you good company, to you and the ones you choose to share them with.
I was unaware I could write poetry until I gave birth to my son Lucas. All those newly found sentiments throughout pregnancy and then after his birth: when I first held my child in my arms, looking at him, speaking to him, debating how I could best raise this little bundle of joy that I was blessed with. All of them were transferred onto paper, waking up in the middle of the night, feeling the need to write, to share my feelings towards my child, my parents, my husband. And then with my experience in education, anything was translated into feelings and then into words, giving substance to life itself! A multitude of emotions and a multitude of poems, created in the hope to keep you good company, to you and the ones you choose to share them with.

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