Taste To Die For

Taste To Die For
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A Honey Driver Murder Mystery
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Jean G. Goodhind
Honey Driver Mysteries
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Chefs can be arrogant, competitive and downright murderous at times, so when Bath International Taste Extravaganza (BITE for short) organize a best chef competition, Honey Driver, the Hotels' Association police liaison officer, senses trouble.Her instinct proves correct when the winning chef is found dead in his own kitchen. Then a second, and a third...On top of this Honey's mother has fallen for the charms - and the white Rolls Royce - of a wealthy butcher, supplier to the catering trade. Is he really after her mother's body - well preserved as it is - or is he after the hotel's meat account? Honey's own relationship with dishy DCI Doherty is on hold. He's pooped - too tired even to fall for Honey's ample charms. As for the murderer, is this a case of past grievances? And once it's solved, will Honey finally get her man?
Chefs can be arrogant, competitive and downright murderous at times, so when Bath International Taste Extravaganza (BITE for short) organize a best chef competition, Honey Driver, the Hotels' Association police liaison officer, senses trouble.Her instinct proves correct when the winning chef is found dead in his own kitchen. Then a second, and a third...On top of this Honey's mother has fallen for the charms - and the white Rolls Royce - of a wealthy butcher, supplier to the catering trade. Is he really after her mother's body - well preserved as it is - or is he after the hotel's meat account? Honey's own relationship with dishy DCI Doherty is on hold. He's pooped - too tired even to fall for Honey's ample charms. As for the murderer, is this a case of past grievances? And once it's solved, will Honey finally get her man?

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