Understanding and Enriching Problem Solving in Primary Mathematics

Understanding and Enriching Problem Solving in Primary Mathematics
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Patrick Barmby
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Essential reading for all those teaching or training to teach primary mathematics, tackling the knowledge and skills required to successfully teach the tricky area of problem solving.

This up to date book is essential reading for all those teaching or training to teach primary mathematics. Problem solving is a key aspect of teaching and learning mathematics, but also an area where teachers and pupils often struggle. Set within the context of the new primary curriculum and drawing on research and practice, the book identifies the key knowledge and skills required in teaching and learning problem solving in mathematics, and examines how these and can be applied in the classroom. It explores the issues in depth while remaining straightforward and relevant, emphasises the enrichment of maths through problem-solving, and provides opportunities for teachers to reflect on and further develop their classroom practice.

  1. Introduction – the importance of problem solving, including the current context of curriculum and OfSTED focus on problem solving, enrichment and the structure of the book
  2. What is problem solving? (Types of problems and processes for problem solving)
  3. Representing problems (Interpreting and comprehending problems, Influence of language, prior knowledge, importance of estimation)
  4. Reasoning with problems (the role of mathematical thinking in problem solving)
  5. Reflecting on your answers (Problem posing and creativity)
  6. Keeping it real? (Investigations and mathematical modeling)
  7. Enrichment and engagement in mathematics through problem solving
  8. Summary

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