Primary School Placements

Primary School Placements
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A Critical Guide to Outstanding Teaching
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Branwen Bingle
Critical Teaching
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This book is an essential companion for all primary trainees in schools, whatever their training route. It provides both practical strategies and opportunities for reflection, so trainees are challenged to critically evaluate their experiences in order to improve their attainment and ultimately succeed in placement.The book covers trainee placements from their onset through to completion, whether on a traditional training route or an alternative such as Teach First. It reflects current educational policy and embraces key national priority areas including behavior, inclusion and the teaching of phonics and early mathematics. Other chapters look at professional partnerships, planning and assessment, employability and, crucially, how to move from good to outstanding teaching. Case studies enliven the text and present a range of perspectives for consideration, while critical questions engage the reader and promote a deeper understanding of the text.
This book is an essential companion for all primary trainees in schools, whatever their training route. It provides both practical strategies and opportunities for reflection, so trainees are challenged to critically evaluate their experiences in order to improve their attainment and ultimately succeed in placement.The book covers trainee placements from their onset through to completion, whether on a traditional training route or an alternative such as Teach First. It reflects current educational policy and embraces key national priority areas including behavior, inclusion and the teaching of phonics and early mathematics. Other chapters look at professional partnerships, planning and assessment, employability and, crucially, how to move from good to outstanding teaching. Case studies enliven the text and present a range of perspectives for consideration, while critical questions engage the reader and promote a deeper understanding of the text.

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