Jesus of Nazareth : A person like us?

Jesus of Nazareth : A person like us?
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A person like us?
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Roger Lenaers
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Jesus is not a citizen of another world, he is not an alien who dwelt amongst us for a short time. He is no omniscient and almighty miracle worker. And he is not an only-begotten Son of God. The book challenges many traditional views based on pre-modern thinking - in which God is understood as inhabiting a world above, is conceived anthropomorphically, and approached like a powerful human ruler instead of being seen as the God of Love operating intrinsically within the cosmos.For Lenaers, the mythological thinking which characterizes Church teaching and is to a large extent still unquestioned by the Church, is inevitably leading to an increasing exodus from the Church and to fears of what will eventually be left of the Church unless Christians integrate what modernity has discovered. Lived union with Jesus of Nazareth as the supreme manifestation of the loving God is the future for Christianity.

Jesus is not a citizen of another world, he is not an alien who dwelt amongst us for a short time. He is no omniscient and almighty miracle worker. And he is not an only-begotten Son of God. The book challenges many traditional views based on pre-modern thinking - in which God is understood as inhabiting a world above, is conceived anthropomorphically, and approached like a powerful human ruler instead of being seen as the God of Love operating intrinsically within the cosmos.For Lenaers, the mythological thinking which characterizes Church teaching and is to a large extent still unquestioned by the Church, is inevitably leading to an increasing exodus from the Church and to fears of what will eventually be left of the Church unless Christians integrate what modernity has discovered. Lived union with Jesus of Nazareth as the supreme manifestation of the loving God is the future for Christianity.

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