The Colours of Man

The Colours of Man
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Micheal O Conghaile

Micheál Ó Conghaile is one of the foremost exponents of the short story in Irish, and if he is best known for fantastical postmodern, non-realist stories chronicling incredible events, unlikely happenings and bizarre acts, he is also adept at classical realism, and these touching and tender stories, contrast with the verbal energy and black humour of his non-realist work. The dazzling colours of this collection laugh aloud and shout to us to join them in their riotous travels and call on us to reflect on moments of profound loss, serious challenges and deep fears.

If there is a recurring motif in these stories, diverse in terms of themes, style and tone, it is the recurring chorus that living rather than life is sacred. This book celebrates the profusion of all the colours of man and all the shades, hues and tones of the spectrum contained within man and humankind.

This collection, encompassing seventeen stories from a twenty-six year period of writing, demonstrates not only a variety of styles, both literary and linguistic, but a deftness of style that characterises Ó Conghaile''s writing and marks him among the most accomplished and distinctive short story writers of his generation.

Illustrations by Brian Bourke.

Cover artwork by Nguyen Hu''ng Trinh

Micheál Ó Conghaile is one of the foremost exponents of the short story in Irish, and if he is best known for fantastical postmodern, non-realist stories chronicling incredible events, unlikely happenings and bizarre acts, he is also adept at classical realism, and these touching and tender stories, contrast with the verbal energy and black humour of his non-realist work. The dazzling colours of this collection laugh aloud and shout to us to join them in their riotous travels and call on us to reflect on moments of profound loss, serious challenges and deep fears.

If there is a recurring motif in these stories, diverse in terms of themes, style and tone, it is the recurring chorus that living rather than life is sacred. This book celebrates the profusion of all the colours of man and all the shades, hues and tones of the spectrum contained within man and humankind.

This collection, encompassing seventeen stories from a twenty-six year period of writing, demonstrates not only a variety of styles, both literary and linguistic, but a deftness of style that characterises Ó Conghaile''s writing and marks him among the most accomplished and distinctive short story writers of his generation.

Illustrations by Brian Bourke.

Cover artwork by Nguyen Hu''ng Trinh

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