Ancient Wisdom of King Solomon still Enlightens and Enriches 21st Century Counsellors and Clients

Ancient Wisdom of King Solomon still Enlightens and Enriches 21st Century Counsellors and Clients
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Leon Patrick Leahy
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This short but concise book is written by a qualified counsellor and can be read in about two hours, it analyzes the ancient wisdom of King Solomon and highlights its relevance and rich benefits. The writing style gives the reader the opportunity to glean grapes of unique knowledge which will upgrade the intelligence of the 21st century counsellor or client, [anyone can be classed as a client so this book is useful to anyone who desires more sense and wisdom]. This book can be advantageous for anyone who is slightly spiritual or anyone who just wants to become more psychologically sharp and savvy. It is also ideal for beginners who want to gain a better understanding of counselling and psychotherapy, or for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists or psychologists who perceive the great value of wisdom and desire to acquire more. The author carried out hundreds of hours of research which reveals that the writings of King Solomon are indeed trustworthy and deeply insightful. One amazing discovery which reinforces the incorruptible and infinite wisdom of King Solomon is that even after 3000 years there are no [known] critics. Hence, that is proof in itself that the wisdom of King Solomon is a model for excellence and still reliable and effective when it comes to dealing with complex present day issues and decision making. The introduction briefly focuses the subject of wisdom and on its significance and profitability for 21st century psychotherapists and clients. The rest of the introduction is a brief eulogy on the person of King Solomon.The book is then split into 3 knowledgeable chapters with sub-headings relevant to wisdom within 21st century counselling and for improving lifestyles. Each chapter continually reveals why this ancient yet dynamic wisdom is still outstanding and desirable for today's 21st century counsellors and clients. Of the 66 books and letters that comprise the Holy Bible - 3 are accredited to King Solomon. Quotations from 2 of them the book of Proverbs and the book of Ecclesiastes are used to gain insights. The author also uses quotations from various scholars and contemporary counsellors and also compares one of the most popular modern counselling and psychotherapy styles with the wisdom of King Solomon. Finally, the conclusion gives even more noble and useful insights from King Solomon and fascinating facts that will enhance the knowledge and understanding of the 21st century counsellor and client.
This short but concise book is written by a qualified counsellor and can be read in about two hours, it analyzes the ancient wisdom of King Solomon and highlights its relevance and rich benefits. The writing style gives the reader the opportunity to glean grapes of unique knowledge which will upgrade the intelligence of the 21st century counsellor or client, [anyone can be classed as a client so this book is useful to anyone who desires more sense and wisdom]. This book can be advantageous for anyone who is slightly spiritual or anyone who just wants to become more psychologically sharp and savvy. It is also ideal for beginners who want to gain a better understanding of counselling and psychotherapy, or for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists or psychologists who perceive the great value of wisdom and desire to acquire more. The author carried out hundreds of hours of research which reveals that the writings of King Solomon are indeed trustworthy and deeply insightful. One amazing discovery which reinforces the incorruptible and infinite wisdom of King Solomon is that even after 3000 years there are no [known] critics. Hence, that is proof in itself that the wisdom of King Solomon is a model for excellence and still reliable and effective when it comes to dealing with complex present day issues and decision making. The introduction briefly focuses the subject of wisdom and on its significance and profitability for 21st century psychotherapists and clients. The rest of the introduction is a brief eulogy on the person of King Solomon.The book is then split into 3 knowledgeable chapters with sub-headings relevant to wisdom within 21st century counselling and for improving lifestyles. Each chapter continually reveals why this ancient yet dynamic wisdom is still outstanding and desirable for today's 21st century counsellors and clients. Of the 66 books and letters that comprise the Holy Bible - 3 are accredited to King Solomon. Quotations from 2 of them the book of Proverbs and the book of Ecclesiastes are used to gain insights. The author also uses quotations from various scholars and contemporary counsellors and also compares one of the most popular modern counselling and psychotherapy styles with the wisdom of King Solomon. Finally, the conclusion gives even more noble and useful insights from King Solomon and fascinating facts that will enhance the knowledge and understanding of the 21st century counsellor and client.

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