Production Rendering

Production Rendering
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Design and Implementation
 HC runder Rücken kaschiert
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HC runder Rücken kaschiert
Ian Stephenson
732 g
241x160x26 mm

In the past, rendering systems used a range of different approaches, each compatible and able to handle certain kinds of images. However, the last few years have seen the development of practical techniques, which bring together many areas of research into stable, production ready rendering tools. Production Rendering: Design and Implementation is written by experienced graphics software developers and discusses the techniques they have used to implement feature film quality rendering engines.

Key Topics:

- A rendering framework for managing a micro polygon-oriented graphics pipeline

- Problems presented by different types of geometry showing how different surface types can be made ready for shading

- Shading and how it fits into a rendering pipeline

- How to write a good shader compiler

- Ray tracing in a production renderer

- Incorporating global illumination into a renderer

- Gathering surface samples into a final image

- Tips and tricks in rendering

Written by experienced graphics software developers, this book discusses the techniques they have used to implement feature film quality rendering engines. Each chapter covers a separate part of the problem, and is written by an expert on that subject. Between them, the authors have developed numerous rendering solutions, and this book shares that expertise. While each chapter stands alone, together they show how all the different techniques used in rendering can be brought together in a single practical system. Whether a user of a system, wishing to exploit it fully, an inexperienced software developer wishing to understand the rendering framework, or a more experienced developer wishing to learn about a specific technique - all will find this book invaluable.
A System Overview.- A Rendering Architecture.- Geometry.- Shading.- Compiling.- Ray Tracing.- Global Illumination.- Image Construction.- Rendering Gems.

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