Turing¿s Connectionism

Turing¿s Connectionism
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An Investigation of Neural Network Architectures
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Christof Teuscher
353 g
235x155x13 mm
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

Alan Mathison Turing (1912-1954) was the first to carry out substantial re search in the field now known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). He was thinking about machine intelligence at least as early as 1941 and during the war cir culated a typewritten paper on machine intelligence among his colleagues at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC & CS), Bletchley Park. Now lost, this was undoubtedly the earliest paper in the field of AI. It probably concerned machine learning and heuristic problem-solving; both were topics that Turing discussed extensively during the war years at GC & CS, as was mechanical chess [121]. In 1945, the war in Europe over, Turing was recruited by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL)! in London, his brief to design and develop an electronic stored-program digital computer-a concrete form of the universal Turing machine of 1936 [185]. Turing's technical report "Proposed Electronic 2 Calculator" , dating from the end of 1945 and containing his design for the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE), was the first relatively complete spec ification of an electronic stored-program digital computer [193,197]. (The document "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC", produced by John von Neumann and the Moore School group at the University of Pennsylvania in May 1945, contained little engineering detail, in particular concerning elec tronic hardware [202].
Contains a Foreword by B. Jack Copeland and D. Proudfoot
1. Introduction.- 1.1 Turing's Anticipation of Connectionism.- 1.2 Alan Mathison Turing.- 1.3 Connectionism and Artificial Neural Networks.- 1.4 Historical Context and Related Work.- 1.5 Organization of the Book.- 1.6 Book Web-Site.- 2. Intelligent Machinery.- 2.1 Machines.- 2.2 Turing's Unorganized Machines.- 2.3 Formalization and Analysis of Unorganized Machines.- 2.4 New Unorganized Machines.- 2.5 Simulation of TBI-type Machines with MATLAB.- 3. Synthesis of Logical Functions and Digital Systems with Turing Networks.- 3.1 Combinational versus Sequential Systems.- 3.2 Synthesis of Logical Functions with A-type Networks.- 3.3 Synthesis of Logical Functions with TB-type Networks.- 3.4 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer.- 3.5 Delay-Unit.- 3.6 Shift-Register.- 3.7 How to Design Complex Systems.- 3.8 Hardware Implementation.- 4. Organizing Unorganized Machines.- 4.1 Evolutionary Algorithms.- 4.2 Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks.- 4.3 Example: Evolve Networks that Regenerate Bitstreams.- 4.4 Signal Processing in Turing Networks.- 4.5 Pattern Classification.- 4.6 Examples: Pattern Classification with Genetic Algorithms.- 4.7 A Learning Algorithm for Turing Networks.- 5. Network Properties and Characteristics.- 5.1 General Properties.- 5.2 Computational Power.- 5.3 State Machines.- 5.4 Threshold Logic.- 5.5 Dynamical Systems and the State-Space Model.- 5.6 Random Boolean Networks.- 5.7 Attractors.- 5.8 Network Stability and Activity.- 5.9 Chaos, Bifurcation, and Self-Organized Criticality.- 5.10 Topological Evolution and Self-Organization.- 5.11 Hypercomputation: Computing Beyond the Turing Limit with Turing's Neural Networks?.- 6. Epilogue.- Useful Web-Sites.- List of Figures.- List of Tables.- List of Examples, Theorems, Definitions, Propositions, and Corollaries.

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