Measuring Attitudes Cross-Nationally

Measuring Attitudes Cross-Nationally
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Lessons from the European Social Survey
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Roger Jowell
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This book, written by members of the design and implementation team for the groundbreakingEuropean Social Survey (ESS), reviews current best practice in the conduct of cross-national, cross-cultural quantitative research.
Winner of the 2006 The Descartes Prize "for excellence in collaborative scientific research"

With the expansion of the European Union and the development of supra-national governance worldwide, the volume of cross-national data and the importance of rigorous comparative analysis has grown rapidly.

This book, written by members of the design and implementation team for the groundbreaking European Social Survey (ESS), reviews current best practice in the conduct of cross-national, cross-cultural quantitative research. The first eight chapters cover the background and rationale for the Survey and offer a detailed analysis of the methods and procedures used, as well as exploring ways to overcome the obstacles to successful cross-national research. The final chapter looks ahead to future comparative surveys and discusses the lessons that can be learned from the ESS.

As well as examining methodological issues, Measuring Attitudes Cross-Nationally includes four substantive chapters on the findings of the ESS, including the emergence of hitherto unknown national differences in values regarding immigration and perceptions of citizenship. The ESS data is also considered in comparison with that from US General Social Survey.

Measuring Attitudes Cross-Nationally offers a practical guide, firmly grounded in theory, for researchers across the social sciences who have an interest the design, planning or interpretation of cross-national social surveys.

A Measurement Model for Comparative Surveys - Roger Jowell and Max Kaase
From Design to Implementation - Rory Fitzgerald, Gillian Eva, Caroline Bryson and Ruth O′Shea
How Representative can a Multi-Nation Survey Be? - Sabine Häder and Peter Lynn
Can Questions Travel Successfully? - Willem E Saris and Irmtraud Gallhofer
Improving Equivalence in Translations - Janet A Harkness
The Impact of External Events - Ineke A L Stoop
Understanding and Improving Response Rates - Jaak Billiet, Achim Koch and Michel Philippens
Free and Immediate Access to Data - Kirstine Kolsrud, Knut Kalgraff Skjåk and Bjørn Henrichsen
Measuring Changing Value Orientations Across Nations - Shalom H Schwartz
Understanding Attitudes to Immigration and National Exclusiveness - David Card, Christian Dustmann and Ian Preston
Political and Social Participation in Europe - Kenneth Newton and José Ramón Montero
A Continental Divide? Social Capital in the US and Europe - Pippa Norris and James Davis
What is Being Learned From the ESS? - Peter Mohler

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