Forbeck, M: Dungeons & Dragons Endless Quest: Big Trouble

Forbeck, M: Dungeons & Dragons Endless Quest: Big Trouble
Nicht lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Nicht lieferbar I

16,00 €*

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225x159x14 mm

In the Forgotten Realms® Endless Quest® books, you don't just read a fantastic tale set in the most popular Dungeons & Dragons® world of all time. You become the hero! Answer the call to adventure, and choose your own fate! When evil giants attack your home in Ardeep Forest, your parents think you're dead, and they go hunting for your missing little brother. You wake up and set out after them, helped by a giant wizard who lives in a flying tower. You don't know where they've gone, but you know that if you don't find them, you're all in big trouble...

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