The Daily Lives of Muslims

The Daily Lives of Muslims
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Islam and Public Confrontation in Contemporary Europe
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Nilüfer Göle
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A remarkable and rich exploration of what it means to be a Muslim in contemporary Europe.

For many in the West, Islam has become a byword for terrorism. From 9/11 to the Paris attacks, our headlines are dominated by images of violence and extremism. Now, as the Western world struggles to cope with the refugee crisis, there is a growing obsession with the issue of Muslim integration. Those Muslims who fail to assimilate are branded the ‘enemy within’, with their communities said to provide a fertile breeding ground for jihadists. Such narratives, though, fail to take into account the actual lives of most Muslims living in the West, fixating instead on a minority of violent extremists.

In The Daily Lives of Muslims, Nilüfer Göle provides an urgently needed corrective to this distorted image of Islam. Engaging with Muslim communities in twenty-one cities across Europe where controversies over integration have arisen – from the banning of the veil in France to debates surrounding sharia law in the UK – the book brings the voices of this neglected majority into the debate. In doing so, Göle uncovers a sincere desire among many Muslims to participate in the public sphere, a desire which is too often stifled by Western insecurity and attempts to suppress the outward signs of religious difference.

  • Preface
  • Introduction: European-Muslims - From Collage to Interweaving
  • 1. Europe: No Entry for Islam?
  • 2. Ordinary Muslims
  • 3. Controversies Surrounding Muslim Prayer
  • 4. Mute Minarets, Transparent Mosques
  • 5. Art, Sacredness and Violence
  • 6. Veiling and Active Minorities
  • 7. What about Sharia?
  • 8. Halal Lifestyles
  • 9. Jewish Cursor
  • Conclusion: European Muslims Taking to the Stage

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