Trees and Woodland in the South Yorkshire Landscape

Trees and Woodland in the South Yorkshire Landscape
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A Natural, Economic & Social History
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Melvyn Jones
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If you stop and look around you will see trees everywhere: not only in woods and plantations, in parks and gardens and in hedges but also along streets, beside motorways, on old colliery sites, around reservoirs, in the centre of villages and larger urban settlements and standing alone or in small groups in such diverse places as churchyards, in the middle of fields or on high moorlands.This authoritative and copiously illustrated book guides the reader to an understanding of the natural, economic and social history of the woodlands, semi-natural and planted, and the trees, native and introduced, that grace the South Yorkshire landscape and give it much of its beauty and character.
If you stop and look around you will see trees everywhere: not only in woods and plantations, in parks and gardens and in hedges but also along streets, beside motorways, on old colliery sites, around reservoirs, in the centre of villages and larger urban settlements and standing alone or in small groups in such diverse places as churchyards, in the middle of fields or on high moorlands.This authoritative and copiously illustrated book guides the reader to an understanding of the natural, economic and social history of the woodlands, semi-natural and planted, and the trees, native and introduced, that grace the South Yorkshire landscape and give it much of its beauty and character.

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