Unusual Undertakings

Unusual Undertakings
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Military Memoirs
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James Wilson
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To find an example of a full and successful, yet unconventional, military career, one need look no further than General 'Jim' Wilson. Always an outstanding sportsman, Jim found himself in the Rifle Brigade after Oxford just before the Second World War. His memoir concentrates on six of his major military endeavors; North Africa as a platoon commander followed by the long struggle up through Italy, both with the Rifle Brigade. After the war he was sent to India and became caught up in the momentous events of Partition, and in a position to comment on all the key political and military personalities. His career prospered and he was one of the first commanders of a major peacekeeping operation in Cyprus, again closely involved with leaders such as Archbishop Makarios.
To find an example of a full and successful, yet unconventional, military career, one need look no further than General 'Jim' Wilson. Always an outstanding sportsman, Jim found himself in the Rifle Brigade after Oxford just before the Second World War. His memoir concentrates on six of his major military endeavors; North Africa as a platoon commander followed by the long struggle up through Italy, both with the Rifle Brigade. After the war he was sent to India and became caught up in the momentous events of Partition, and in a position to comment on all the key political and military personalities. His career prospered and he was one of the first commanders of a major peacekeeping operation in Cyprus, again closely involved with leaders such as Archbishop Makarios.

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