Aspects of Northern Lincolnshire

Aspects of Northern Lincolnshire
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Discovering Local History
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Jenny Walton
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The Aspects series takes readers on a voyage of nostalgicdiscovery through their town, city or area. This best selling series has now arrived, for the first time, in Northern Lincolnshire. Jenny Walton has highlighted many wonders of the Northern Lincolnshire area, by using the talent of local authors. Aspects of Northern Lincolnshire, is a local history book with a difference. Delving into a wide geographical area that is steeped in a special history of its own. We look at various subjects from the works of local historians including; The Founding Legend of Grimsby; The Drowning of the Ancholme Valley; The Stately Keels that Once Sailed the Humber; World War II Airfields; A Pre-Enclosure Farm in Barrow; Letters From A Naval Gunner Who Sailed With Nelson's Fleet; and Walking the Clay Bank. All this and much more Northern Lincolnshire's history has been captivated with fascinating illustrations in Aspects of Northern Lincolnshire.
The Aspects series takes readers on a voyage of nostalgicdiscovery through their town, city or area. This best selling series has now arrived, for the first time, in Northern Lincolnshire. Jenny Walton has highlighted many wonders of the Northern Lincolnshire area, by using the talent of local authors. Aspects of Northern Lincolnshire, is a local history book with a difference. Delving into a wide geographical area that is steeped in a special history of its own. We look at various subjects from the works of local historians including; The Founding Legend of Grimsby; The Drowning of the Ancholme Valley; The Stately Keels that Once Sailed the Humber; World War II Airfields; A Pre-Enclosure Farm in Barrow; Letters From A Naval Gunner Who Sailed With Nelson's Fleet; and Walking the Clay Bank. All this and much more Northern Lincolnshire's history has been captivated with fascinating illustrations in Aspects of Northern Lincolnshire.

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