Aspects of Chesterfield

Aspects of Chesterfield
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Geoffrey Sadler
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The Aspects series takes the reader on a voyage of nostalgic discovery through their town, city or area. This best selling series has now arrived, for the first time, in Chesterfield. Geoffrey Sadler offers the reader a chance to become re-acquainted with the forgotten by-ways of the social history in the Chesterfield area.Aspects of Chesterfield contains an interesting group of contributors who explore aspects of the history of the town and its outlying area. Each 'Aspect' is a fine blend of detailed research with personal reminiscence. The various subjects included are; The Rise and Fall of Chesterfield's Rendezvous Dance Hall, Brampton Childhood Memories, Ghosts of Chesterfield, Spital Through the Ages, Chesterfield: An Unexpected Theatre Town and Celebrated Confections and Monster Cakes. All these and much more have been captivated with fascinating illustrations in Aspects of Chesterfield.
The Aspects series takes the reader on a voyage of nostalgic discovery through their town, city or area. This best selling series has now arrived, for the first time, in Chesterfield. Geoffrey Sadler offers the reader a chance to become re-acquainted with the forgotten by-ways of the social history in the Chesterfield area.Aspects of Chesterfield contains an interesting group of contributors who explore aspects of the history of the town and its outlying area. Each 'Aspect' is a fine blend of detailed research with personal reminiscence. The various subjects included are; The Rise and Fall of Chesterfield's Rendezvous Dance Hall, Brampton Childhood Memories, Ghosts of Chesterfield, Spital Through the Ages, Chesterfield: An Unexpected Theatre Town and Celebrated Confections and Monster Cakes. All these and much more have been captivated with fascinating illustrations in Aspects of Chesterfield.

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