Great Irish Crosses

Great Irish Crosses
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Meaning and Mystery
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3,96 €* EPUB

Oliver Crilly
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This book is an introduction to the meaning and mystery of the great crosses of Ireland. It follows the personal pilgrimage of the author from his early interest in the Maghera Crucifixion to the mature personal appreciation of Ireland's scripture crosses which he arrived at in later life. He was privileged to meet along the way very special people who guided him n understanding the scriptural background and he art of the master stone carvers.It is a book about the crosses, but also about the pioneering study of he crosses which has led to the deeper understanding of our great heritage of sculpture.It tells the story of Francoise Henry, the young French girl who fell in love with Ireland's artistic treasures and made their study and elucidation her life's work.
This book is an introduction to the meaning and mystery of the great crosses of Ireland. It follows the personal pilgrimage of the author from his early interest in the Maghera Crucifixion to the mature personal appreciation of Ireland's scripture crosses which he arrived at in later life. He was privileged to meet along the way very special people who guided him n understanding the scriptural background and he art of the master stone carvers.It is a book about the crosses, but also about the pioneering study of he crosses which has led to the deeper understanding of our great heritage of sculpture.It tells the story of Francoise Henry, the young French girl who fell in love with Ireland's artistic treasures and made their study and elucidation her life's work.

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