Incomparable: A Collection of Essays

Incomparable: A Collection of Essays
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The formation and early history of Napoleon s 9th Light Infantry Regiment
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Terry Crowdy
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Osprey is pleased to present a collection of essays by T.E. Crowdy. Formed as a result of his research for Incomparable (Osprey, September 2012).These supplementary essays provide readers with the early history of Napoleon's 9th Light Infantry Regiment, including the formation of the corps and its early engagements, which provides a fascinating prelude to the regiment's exploits in the Napoleonic Wars, covered in the upcoming 'Incomparable'.In these four essays, Crowdy examines the corps in detail from its formation in 1758 until the end of the War of the First Coalition in 1797, studying its roles during the Seven Years War and the French Revolution, as well as its military operations from 1792 to 1797.Based on meticulous research over 15 years, these essays provide essential reading for anyone interested in the development of the French army, from its days under Louis XV through the Revolution and beyond to the beginning of the Napoleonic era.
Osprey is pleased to present a collection of essays by T.E. Crowdy. Formed as a result of his research for Incomparable (Osprey, September 2012).These supplementary essays provide readers with the early history of Napoleon's 9th Light Infantry Regiment, including the formation of the corps and its early engagements, which provides a fascinating prelude to the regiment's exploits in the Napoleonic Wars, covered in the upcoming 'Incomparable'.In these four essays, Crowdy examines the corps in detail from its formation in 1758 until the end of the War of the First Coalition in 1797, studying its roles during the Seven Years War and the French Revolution, as well as its military operations from 1792 to 1797.Based on meticulous research over 15 years, these essays provide essential reading for anyone interested in the development of the French army, from its days under Louis XV through the Revolution and beyond to the beginning of the Napoleonic era.

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