PCEP Book II: Maternal and Fetal Care

PCEP Book II:  Maternal and Fetal Care
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Christian A. Chisholm
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Time-saving, low-cost solutions for self-paced learning or instructor-led training! Developed for health care professionals who provide care to pregnant women and newborns, the Perinatal Continuing Education Program (PCEP) is a comprehensive, self-paced education program in four volumes. Completely updated and revised with leading-edge procedures and techniques, Book II: Maternal and Fetal Care, 3rd Edition features 10 units containing information and skills essential for recognition and initial management of high-risk and sick pregnant women and their fetuses.PCEP is a proven educational tool for: Improving perinatal care know-how, policies, practices and proceduresEstablishing organization-wide care goals and routinesTeaching both practical skills and cognitive knowledgeSaving time and money -- streamline the learning processReducing care risks through staff-wide consistency of knowledge and skills competencyEncouraging cooperation and communication among diverse staffSimplifying education planning and budgeting
Time-saving, low-cost solutions for self-paced learning or instructor-led training! Developed for health care professionals who provide care to pregnant women and newborns, the Perinatal Continuing Education Program (PCEP) is a comprehensive, self-paced education program in four volumes. Completely updated and revised with leading-edge procedures and techniques, Book II: Maternal and Fetal Care, 3rd Edition features 10 units containing information and skills essential for recognition and initial management of high-risk and sick pregnant women and their fetuses.PCEP is a proven educational tool for: Improving perinatal care know-how, policies, practices and proceduresEstablishing organization-wide care goals and routinesTeaching both practical skills and cognitive knowledgeSaving time and money -- streamline the learning processReducing care risks through staff-wide consistency of knowledge and skills competencyEncouraging cooperation and communication among diverse staffSimplifying education planning and budgeting

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