Wishes and Walnuts

Wishes and Walnuts
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Van Deby Wemmer
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A pet turtle is Dolly Dimple's dream. Her parents think she's too young and not ready for the responsibility. Dolly tries everything, from bargaining with her parents to wishing on stars. She even tries wishing on sandwiches loaded with birthday candles but nothing does the trick. One day, Dolly finds that a walnut shell just might be the answer to her wishes. Using her imagination, a little artistic creativity and few drops of glue, Dolly begins the adventure of her dreams. Wishes and Walnuts is a true story, based on Deby's own experience as a child. Deby grew up in Danville, California. After graduating from high school, she moved to Hawaii where she lived for 10 years. She now resides in the San Francisco Bay area and is living her dream of being a published author. Publisher's website: http: //eloquentbooks.com/WishesandWalnuts.html
A pet turtle is Dolly Dimple's dream. Her parents think she's too young and not ready for the responsibility. Dolly tries everything, from bargaining with her parents to wishing on stars. She even tries wishing on sandwiches loaded with birthday candles, but nothing does the trick. One day, Dolly finds that a walnut shell just might be the answer to her wishes. Using her imagination, a little artistic creativity, and few drops of glue, Dolly begins the adventure of her dreams. Wishes and Walnuts is a true story, based on the author's own experience as a child.
A pet turtle is Dolly Dimple's dream. Her parents think she's too young and not ready for the responsibility. Dolly tries everything, from bargaining with her parents to wishing on stars. She even tries wishing on sandwiches loaded with birthday candles, but nothing does the trick. One day, Dolly finds that a walnut shell just might be the answer to her wishes. Using her imagination, a little artistic creativity, and few drops of glue, Dolly begins the adventure of her dreams. Wishes and Walnuts is a true story, based on the author's own experience as a child.

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