The Audiology Capstone

The Audiology Capstone
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Research, Presentation, and Publication
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Michael Valente
741 g
258x182x22 mm

Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Army Audiology and Speech Center, Heaton Pavilion, Washington, DC
Praise for this book:
"The authors have achieved an extensive presentation of information on
each phase of a research project, from the development of the project idea to
submission of the project for publication, and all aspects in between. The text
is well-written and the supplemental materials complement the text well.
Overall, after reading this book, students and beginning researchers will find
themselves highly prepared for their upcoming research project, including those
elements they may not have previously anticipated." -- Elizabeth M.
Adams, Ph.D., Ear and Hearing, 2012
The Audiology Capstone: Research, Presentation, and Publication
concisely presents the must-know information for completing every step of your
Audiology Capstone Project. From choosing a research topic and mentor, to
conducting the research and publishing the results, the authors provide you with
the essential information for a productive and successful Capstone experience.
Structured chronologically to parallel the Capstone's progression, each
succinctly organized chapter includes bulleted lists for fast reference and
call-out boxes that provide examples of database tables, as well as helpful
reminders about audiology equipment and software.

A realistic assessment of the research process from
multiple perspectives, including AuD students, librarians, researchers,
clinicians, and faculty
The final chapter, written by a student, details that
individual's Capstone experience after following all the research methods and
strategies presented within the text
Additional sections help you select a mentor, submit a
proposal to an IRB, and understand copyright laws
Numerous chapters contain step-by-step information
about different research databases, and screenshots of the databases that shows
you how to use the numerous databases to find the best possible evidence

This comprehensive textbook details all of the necessary components of an Audiology Capstone for AuD students, researchers, clinicians, and instructors.

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