Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery

Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
Preoperative Assessment and Surgical Treatment. Mit Online-Zugang
 1 BB 1 DA
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1 BB 1 DA
Oguz Cataltepe
1468 g
286x220x22 mm

Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, Pediatrics and Oncology, Clinical Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Director, Neurosurgery Residency Program, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Written by internationally recognized authorities in pediatric epilepsy surgery, this cutting-edge book provides essential information about the preoperative assessment of and surgical approaches to the treatment of epilepsy in children. The book opens with an overview of pediatric epilepsy followed by four main sections detailing preoperative assessment, surgical approaches and techniques, outcomes, and recent promising advances. The authors present numerous approaches for managing temporal lobe epilepsy and extratemporal lobe epilepsy and guide clinicians through various surgical techniques for hemispherectomy, disconnection procedures, neuromodulation, and more.


-Complete coverage of the selection of surgical candidates, including young patients with congenital or early lesions

-Detailed discussion of the latest surgical techniques such as hippocampal transection, cortical and deep brain stimulation and radiosurgery

-Comprehensive presentation of all major hemispherectomy and hemispherotomy techniques

-More than 100 illustrations, including 85 in full-color, to elucidate key concepts

Ideal for pediatric neurosurgeons, epilepsy surgeons and pediatric epileptologists, this authoritative text is also a valuable reference for clinicians, residents, and fellows in neurology, neuroradiology, neuropsychology, and neurophysiology with an interest in pediatric epilepsy surgery.
1. Introduction 2. Intractable epilepsy in children and selection of surgical candidates 3. Surgical intervention for congenital or early-acquired lesions I. PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT Electrophysiological assessment 4. EEG and Noninvasive electrophysiological monitoring 5. Invasive electrophysiological monitoring 6. Intra- and Extra-operative stimulation 7. Magnetoencephalography Neuroimaging 8. Structural brain imaging: MRI 9. Functional brain imaging: fMRI 10. SPECT and PET 11. Co-registration and new imaging techniques Neuropsychological, cognitive assessment 12. WADA test 13. Preoperative neuropsychological and cognitive assessment II. SURGICAL APPROACHES AND TECHNIQUES 14. Anesthetic considerations and postoperative ICU care A. Resective surgeries in temporal lobe epilepsy 15. Anterior Temporal lobectomy 16. Selective amygdalohippocampectomy 17. Tailored temporal lobectomy techniques 18. Surgical approaches to temporal lobe tumors and other lesions B. Resective surgeries in extratemporal lobe epilepsy 19. Extratemporal resections 20. Surgical approaches in cortical dysplasia 21. Resective surgery in primary motor cortex 22. Posterior quadrantic resection and disconnection C. Hemispheric resection and disconnection techniques and their modifications 22.Overview 23. Anatomical hemispherectomy 24. Hemicorticectomy 25. Functional hemispherectomy 26. Hemispherotomy Technique 27. Trans-sylvian hemispheric deafferentiation D. Disconnection Procedures 28. Corpus callosotomy 29. Multiple subpial transection 30. Hippocampal subpial Transection E. Stimulation Procedures 31. Vagus nerve stimulation 32. Cortical and deep brain stimulation III. OUTCOME 33. Surgical failure and re-operation 34. Surgical failure, re-assessment and medical management 35. Postoperative seizure control 36. Postoperative psychosocial issues IV. RECENT ADVANCES 37. Electrophysiology 38. Imaging 39. Radiosurgery 40. Brain Stimulation

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