Zhilan (The bewildered man, the dead chinaman and the talking cats)

Zhilan (The bewildered man, the dead chinaman and the talking cats)
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Gemma Herrero Virto

A different adventure for open-minded readers.Alex comes to in a park after a severe blow to the head. He can't remember how he got there or who killed the old Chinese man lying next to him with a dagger stuck in his chest. Luckily, or perhaps unfortunately, a cat that saw everything from a tree branch starts to tell him what happened.A story combining murder, the Chinese mafia, oriental witchcraft, romance and humor at a breakneck pace that will draw you in after the first page.
A different adventure for open-minded readers.Alex comes to in a park after a severe blow to the head. He can't remember how he got there or who killed the old Chinese man lying next to him with a dagger stuck in his chest. Luckily, or perhaps unfortunately, a cat that saw everything from a tree branch starts to tell him what happened.A story combining murder, the Chinese mafia, oriental witchcraft, romance and humor at a breakneck pace that will draw you in after the first page.

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