Yoga For Everybody - 10 Positions To Start Practicing Yoga

Yoga For Everybody - 10 Positions To Start Practicing Yoga
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cristiano pugno
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If you want to start practicing Yoga and understanding its benefits, this book is right for you! In this you will find the 10 most important poses to start with. The poses (asanas) have been chosen for their simplicity and efficacy.After a few days you will start to get the first benefits from Yoga: elasticity and a diffuse wellbeing starting from your muscles up to your mind.The next step should be to follow a Teacher for continuous improvement, which is one of the philosophical foundations of Yoga.
If you want to start practicing Yoga and understanding its benefits, this book is right for you! In this you will find the 10 most important poses to start with. The poses (asanas) have been chosen for their simplicity and efficacy.After a few days you will start to get the first benefits from Yoga: elasticity and a diffuse wellbeing starting from your muscles up to your mind.The next step should be to follow a Teacher for continuous improvement, which is one of the  philosophical foundations of Yoga.

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