Pasties and Pearls

Pasties and Pearls
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Phyllis Patton
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She is a true Southern belle that has class, power, and a secret. Janine and her best friend share a secret that will someday change her life forever. Pasties and Pearls has it all power, control, mystery, lies, and seduction. Janine was taught to handle business in the boardroom, but the secret taught her to use her power to bring even the strongest man to his knees. Janines greatest battle has been to protect her husband and his position as senator of South Carolina. The love that these two share can only be described as dyn-o-mitenothing but total heat. A story should never end before you see a piece of yourself between the pages.
She is a true Southern belle that has class, power, and a secret.Janine and her best friend share a secret that will someday change her life forever.Pasties and Pearls has it all power, control, mystery, lies, and seduction.Janine was taught to handle business in the boardroom, but the secret taught her to use her power to bring even the strongest man to his knees.Janines greatest battle has been to protect her husband and his position as senator of South Carolina. The love that these two share can only be described as dyn-o-mitenothing but total heat.A story should never end before you see a piece of yourself between the pages.

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