Trapped in a world without time, Socrates and his friends face new challenges in their ongoing effort to unravel the mystery surrounding an unusual network of caverns. Tooneys impulsive nature has only complicated the situation, causing Sam OBrien, Chloe, and Buddy Gold to take a plunge through a dimensional corridor in order to retrieve him. Meanwhile, Joleen Teal is left struggling not only with a rescue effort but also with the task of protecting her islands discovery of an ancient aquatic metropolis. A unique coalition is forming as Socrates adventure ramps up and the Battle for Atlantis begins.
Trapped in a world without time, Socrates and his friends face new challenges in their ongoing effort to unravel the mystery surrounding an unusual network of caverns. Tooneys impulsive nature has only complicated the situation, causing Sam OBrien, Chloe, and Buddy Gold to take a plunge through a dimensional corridor in order to retrieve him. Meanwhile, Joleen Teal is left struggling not only with a rescue effort but also with the task of protecting her islands discovery of an ancient aquatic metropolis. A unique coalition is forming as Socrates adventure ramps up and the Battle for Atlantis begins.