Ali’S Story

Ali’S Story
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To Live or Die—The Choice Is Mine
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Ali McAuley
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When author Ali McAuley returned home after a twenty-one-day hiking trip in Nepal, she came to an important and life-changing realization. Her marriage to her husband, Macka, was over. During her trip, she got in touch with feelings and passions she had either forgotten about or had never experienced. She was free to discover who she was. In Alis Story, McAuley shares what happened after she moved out of her home, including the suicide of her estranged husband, Macka. She tells how this pivotal event affected not only her but her three teen-aged boys. The emotional baggage of Mackas death prompted McAuley to reassess her life, and she made some important decisions and next steps. In this memoir, she narrates her personal journey, her spiritual awakening, and how she finally came to terms with her relationships with others, especially Macka, and his death. McAuley offers a look at how the turbulence and power of the rough sea guided her home and how she attained peace within her heart.
When author Ali McAuley returned home after a twenty-one-day hiking trip in Nepal, she came to an important and life-changing realization. Her marriage to her husband, Macka, was over. During her trip, she got in touch with feelings and passions she had either forgotten about or had never experienced. She was free to discover who she was.In Alis Story, McAuley shares what happened after she moved out of her home, including the suicide of her estranged husband, Macka. She tells how this pivotal event affected not only her but her three teen-aged boys. The emotional baggage of Mackas death prompted McAuley to reassess her life, and she made some important decisions and next steps.In this memoir, she narrates her personal journey, her spiritual awakening, and how she finally came to terms with her relationships with others, especially Macka, and his death. McAuley offers a look at how the turbulence and power of the rough sea guided her home and how she attained peace within her heart.

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