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Skyara Reign
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I have seen much I have seen love and I have seen horror. I have left this earth twice only to return with the memory of eternity. I am a woman, and I am gay. I am a seeker of truth and divine love. I am all of these things and yet none of them. My experiences and sexuality do not define me, for my identity, like yours, will always be safe, in love. This personal narrative shares author Skyara Reigns journey of self-acceptance and self-love after having survived sexual abuse and growing up a homosexual in a Christian environment. She presents a powerful story about finding and loving our authentic selves and coming to the understanding that we simply are who we areand whatever that may be, we are all perfect creations of divine love.
I have seen much I have seen love and I have seen horror. I have left this earth twice only to return with the memory of eternity. I am a woman, and I am gay. I am a seeker of truth and divine love. I am all of these things and yet none of them. My experiences and sexuality do not define me, for my identity, like yours, will always be safe, in love.This personal narrative shares author Skyara Reigns journey of self-acceptance and self-love after having survived sexual abuse and growing up a homosexual in a Christian environment. She presents a powerful story about finding and loving our authentic selves and coming to the understanding that we simply are who we areand whatever that may be, we are all perfect creations of divine love.

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