Unzip the Adolescent Chick

Unzip the Adolescent Chick
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Facing All Your Teenage Concerns and Fears Head on and Overcoming Them Triumphantly
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Ann Carni
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Adolescent girls face numerous issues in todays world, and they could use a reliable road map to help them navigate the various obstacles they might face.Unzip the Adolescent Chick offers a go-to reference for the twentyfirst- century teenage girl. You have free will and are able to make choices regarding important decisions both for your present and your future. Author Ann Carni, speaking from experience, shares information on how responsible actions now will lead you to the treasures down the road, including tips on the following: Choosing to believe you are more than capable Resisting temptations that will eventually screw you Making good impressions with potential employers Avoiding undesirables on social media Dressing from drab to fab with your own unique style Enjoying a wealthy lifestyle through simple finance tips Choosing a loving partner who respects and cherishes you Choosing your dream career and/or motherhood Increasing your vibrational energy through a healthy diet and FitnessAddressing real issues that affect the young women of today bullying, mental illness, suicide, fad diets, contraception, tattoos, body piercings, and much morethis guide seeks to help them avoid the pitfalls all teenage girls face.
Adolescent girls face numerous issues in todays world, and they could use a reliable road map to help them navigate the various obstacles they might face.Unzip the Adolescent Chick offers a go-to reference for the twentyfirst- century teenage girl. You have free will and are able to make choices regarding important decisions both for your present and your future. Author Ann Carni, speaking from experience, shares information on how responsible actions now will lead you to the treasures down the road, including tips on the following:Choosing to believe you are more than capableResisting temptations that will eventually screw youMaking good impressions with potential employersAvoiding undesirables on social mediaDressing from drab to fab with your own unique styleEnjoying a wealthy lifestyle through simple finance tipsChoosing a loving partner who respects and cherishes youChoosing your dream career and/or motherhoodIncreasing your vibrational energy through a healthy diet and FitnessAddressing real issues that affect the young women of today bullying, mental illness, suicide, fad diets, contraception, tattoos, body piercings, and much morethis guide seeks to help them avoid the pitfalls all teenage girls face.

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