Key Voting Laws

Key Voting Laws
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Alex Acks

The right to vote has been under debate since the founding of America, when only white men who owned land had a say in the future of the country. Laws have expanded to encompass all people, be they black, white, or female. How has voting shaped our country, and how have our laws shaped our ability to vote? Your readers will explore the history of voting in America to understand how Native Americans, blacks, and those in prison have been kept from the democratic process. Also explored is the possible future of voting rights and laws.
The right to vote has been under debate since the founding of America, when only white men who owned land had a say in the future of the country. Laws have expanded to encompass all people, be they black, white, or female. How has voting shaped our country, and how have our laws shaped our ability to vote? Your readers will explore the history of voting in America to understand how Native Americans, blacks, and those in prison have been kept from the democratic process. Also explored is the possible future of voting rights and laws.

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