John Rawls and Christian Social Engagement

John Rawls and Christian Social Engagement
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Justice as Unfairness
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Greg Forster
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In this book, leading Christian political thinkers and practitioners critique the Rawlsian concepts of “justice as fairness” and “public reason” from the perspective of Christian political theory and practice. It provides a new level of analysis from Christian perspectives, including implications for such hot topics as the culture war.

This book critiques the Rawlsian concepts of “justice as fairness” and “public reason” from the perspective of Christian political theory and practice. The Rawlsian paradigm has become pervasive in multiple disciplines outside political philosophy and is unconsciously embedded in a great deal of Christian public discourse; this calls for a new level of analysis from Christian perspectives. This is the first volume to examine Rawls based on Christian principles drawn from theological ethics, social thought, political theory and practical observation. In addition to theoretical perspectives, the book connects its critique of Rawls to specific hot-topic practical questions in three areas: social issues (abortion, marriage, etc.), economic issues (wealth creation, poverty programs, etc.), and the increasing difficulty of political compromise and peaceful coexistence in the context of the culture war. The book includes some of the leading Christian political theorists in America.
Introduction, Anthony B. Bradley
Part One: Understanding Rawls
Chapter 1: The “early Rawls”: What is justice as fairness?,
Karen Taliaferro
Chapter 2: The “late Rawls”: What is public reason?,
Micah Watson
Part Two: Rawls and Christian Ethics
Chapter 3: “Much More than Fairness: The Shape of Justice in the New Testament”?,
Matthew B. Arbo
Chapter 4: What does justice mean without God?,
Jerome C. Foss
Chapter 5: Can human beings have intrinsic dignity or equality without God?,
Matthew Parks
Chapter 6. The secularist biases of Rawls’ "neutral" rules,
Hunter Baker
Chapter 7. Does “pluralism” require religion to be either rationalized or cast out of society?,
Joseph Knippenberg
Part Three: What It Means in Practice
Chapter 8: Rawls and Civil Society,
Daniel Kelly
Chapter 9: Rawls and Economic Justice,
John Addison Teevan
Chapter 10. Rawls and the Culture War,
Bryan McGraw
Greg Forster

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