Broken Souls

Broken Souls
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Barbara Roose Cramer
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A distraught mother is thrown into prison, and her four young children are swept into the system facing a world of betrayal, deceit, and social atrocities that no child should ever have to bear. Its also the story of Private Investigator Missy Baker and Detective Craig Olson who work in a city filled with police corruption, prostitution, and murdera city where money talks and crime is the norm. The two find themselves helping four little girls who have been mentally, physically, and emotionally betrayed. It is the story of the youngest girl, Becky, who tries to save her three siblings from an undeserved hell on earth and her inspiring journey to where God finds her and Becky finds herself. Broken Souls is the story of Becky, the woman-like child who never gave up.
A distraught mother is thrown into prison, and her four young children are swept into the system facing a world of betrayal, deceit, and social atrocities that no child should ever have to bear. Its also the story of Private Investigator Missy Baker and Detective Craig Olson who work in a city filled with police corruption, prostitution, and murdera city where money talks and crime is the norm. The two find themselves helping four little girls who have been mentally, physically, and emotionally betrayed. It is the story of the youngest girl, Becky, who tries to save her three siblings from an undeserved hell on earth and her inspiring journey to where God finds her and Becky finds herself. Broken Souls is the story of Becky, the woman-like child who never gave up.

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